So I figured that I would post on a few quick things today before I fully commence with my vacation week. I'm doing my best not to waste my time playing video games, but today the fight against this horrible addiction got a little harder, at right is a screen shot from GTA4. And soon I'll have to break down and buy either and X-Box 360 or PS4 because I have to play this game, apparently the game revolves around a Russian gangster named Niko and it's set in a fake version of NYC. So three months from now when I disappear, you all will know where. The screen shot doesn't really capture everything. Here's a link to the trailer. So that's looking pretty bad-ass.
I wanted to follow-up on my review last week of On The Lot, I forgot to mention my favorite guilty pleasure on the show, and that's the casting of their short films. The actors, who I'd like re-named the "On The Lot Players," have lots of familiar faces. So far I've recognized Lin Shaye best known for her roles in Farrelly Brothers movies. Also former sitcom staples, Reginald VelJohnson, Tatyana Ali, and my favorite, the kid who played Chip on Kate and Allie, (I'm not sure if he has a name, but he will always be Chip to me.) The other fun oart about watching this show is seeing the smug "artistic geniuses" get ripped by the judges. Not all of the contestants qualify as people you want to see get ripped, but it's very satisfying when one of the jerks gets ripped.
In other big TV news, the return of USA's two comedic mystery shows, Monk and Psych. I love both of these shows. I've had trouble getting into most of the cable original series other than the ones on the premiun stations. I've tried and failed to get into shows like The shield, Nip/Tuck and The Closer, but Psych and Monk are just my speed. I love the casts and the blend of comedy and mystery which are both among my favorite genres. So I'm pumped for those two shows, they're both on Friday, and my DVR is set to record them.
On Tuesday, the Smashing Pumpkins new album came out, their first in a while, so I decided to check it out. The music is actually pretty good, but my problem comes from the fact that only Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chamberlain are back, but James Iha is gone as is D'arcy, so I'm wondering what really makes this any more The Smashing Pumpkins than Zwan was or even Billy Corgan's solo album was. I'm not really complaining, it's pretty rare tht I actually enjoy new music these days, so I'm more than willing to welcome bak one of the old stand-bys.
I wanted to touch on a couple sports stories. First, leave it to that huge egomaniac Tony LaRussa to do actual damage to his own team during the All-Star Game. He pissed off Albert Pujols by not playing him in this year's exhibition. I can't imagine what was going through his head when he made his own star die the pine without even telling him. This could be the most important event at an All-Star game since Pete Rose ruined Ray Fosse's career by running him over and breaking jaw, Fosse was never the same. Anyway, if Pujols sulks this could be the mean that one of them will be on their way out of St' Louis and maybe LaRussa will be headed toward an earlier retirement than he had planned.
The other sports story I've been following is in the NBA. The Summer league has started and essentially the Seattle Supersonics have the future of their franchise on display. Kevin Durant and Jeff Green haven't exactly set the world on fire in the summer league, although that's not a huge deal because most rookies struggle during summer league against any NBA veterans. But the biggest news since the draft has been the departure of Rashard Lewis, which means that the Sonics are starting from scratch. This may not be the worst move for a team who thinks they're getting a real superstar in Durant and maybe a future all-star in Green but I view the dismantling of a team like this as fools gold for GMs. The T-wolves are very close to making a similar move if they trade Kevin Garnett. It's very tempting to make a move to go back to the bottom so they can rebuild, but these teams forget how rare it is to get an all-star let alone franchise player, and before you know it you could be desperate to get back to mediocrity a la Danny Ainge and the Ray Allen trade.
That's all I've got for today, I'll be back.
-Bender Out
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