How dare you!?! How dare anyone!?! On news broadcasts the last couple days, I‘ve seen clips of Chelsea Clinton being asked about her father’s past indiscretions. Chelsea acted incredulous that anyone would have the gall to ask something so inappropriate and offensive. After trying to illustrate how inappropriate the question was by mentioning that no one had asked her that in her 70 college tour on behalf of her mother she said, “That is none of your business.” Then the crowd applauded wildly. You showed that person who was boss, Chelse. (She and I are very tight, I just call her Chelse at this point.) Well here’s my advice for Chelsea if she doesn’t want to be asked about such things, don’t peddle yourself out in public to try and get young people to vote for mommy. Are you mad at that people keep asking about your dad getting blow jobs in the oval office? Well I know exactly who you should be mad at, it’s your pops. If you just can’t be mad at him, then perhaps you could turn your anger towards your mother, she’s the one who keeps peddling you out into public in a desperate attempt to become President. It’s not like this was some paparazzi that approached you while you were just trying to live your life. You held a nice question and answer session to get your fellow young voters out there for your mom, and one of the questioners had the nerve to bring up the 500 lb. gorilla in the room. I’d have no problem if Chelsea had just declined to answer and said that those past events had no effect on your mother’s ability to be President. But that wasn’t at all what she did, she went on the attack, chastised the questioner and all the little sheep applauded because they were afraid that the question could anger the celebrity in the room and Chelsea wouldn’t like them anymore.
This is the reason I care at all, The Clintons want it both ways. For years they peddled out Chelsea as a model of how great they were. They were great parents; the Clinton family was the pinnacle of American families and the American dream, (only the immediate family.) So they’d bring her out for a photo op on Monday then they’d chastise the media for saying anything about Chelsea by Friday. I admit, I always felt sorry for Chelsea back in the mid-90s. People made fun of her unfairly during her awkward years, and the people who made fun of her deserved to be chastised, but Bill and Hillary never quite took their share of the blame in those years. They could’ve done much more to protect her, but that wouldn’t have benefited them as much politically. And now, they’re doing it again.
The Chelsea situation is only the tip of the iceberg with the hypocrisy. Similar to the situation with Chelsea, Hillary wants it both ways with her time as first lady. Whenever someone brings up Bill in a negative light, Hill tries to say she’s her own person, which is fine, and I agree with that, Hillary should be separated from Bill and judged on her own merit. If we all agree on that perhaps Hillary will be a fine Vice Presidential candidate. But in the last month she’s tried to parlay her time as first lady into being the Democratic candidate with more experience. She put out her now famous, or infamous depending on your perspective, 3 AM ad. Who do you want answering the phone in the White House at 3 AM? Do you want the guy who’s only been a Senator for four years and before that was only in state government? Or, do you want the woman who’s been Senator for eight whole years and before that was one of two women to put out for Bill during his time in the White House? Well of course we’d rather have the woman who was senator for eight years and had the invaluable experience of being first lady. I guess it’s just lucky for the Mitt Romneys of the world that Laura Bush has no political aspirations, time as first lady is apparently the highest level of experience you can have.
I wish the Clintons would just go away at this point. They had a great run, but now they’ve gotten into dirty politics, finger pointing, and overall they’re just hurting the Democratic Party. They should let poor Chelsea live her life in peace, unless of course she decides on her own to get into politics someday, and there’d be a good chance that I’d vote for her. Quit “pimping her out.” (Oops, how dare I?!?) I meant to say “peddling her out.” God forbid I use terms from the present vernacular that used to have a totally different meaning.
Bill and Hill go back to your married bliss in New York and accept your defeat with class.
Right on, Bender! I think that Chelsea is being coerced or even manipulated (emotionally) by her parents to campaign for her mother. Something tells me that Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton doesn't offer much change, I'm not exactly sure, but doesn't this constitute some kind of bipolar monarchy? Perhaps the Clintons care more about their paragraph in history books than America.
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