Friday, November 03, 2006

A few things before I go

Just wanted to post a few thoughts given that I haven't posted in a while.

-Very disappointed to see Derek Jeter win the gold glove at shortstop, not just because he's only an average fielder but to me it's a symbol of how meaningless the Gold Glove has become, maybe they should have the writers vote on it so the award can have some credibility back.

-Another tough pill for me to swallow was Eko being killed off this week on Lost. He was one of the most intriguing characters on the show and he had a few more great back-stories in him. I don;t know if he was written off for on-set issues or if he had just never planned on being on the series long-term but it is a loss for fans of the show.

-Speaking of people who should still be on a show, why in the world was Chris Parnell not brought back this season on Saturday Night Live? He was one of the few consistently funny cast members and for a show thats at an all-time low you'd think they would want him around.

-I read online today that 30 rock, Studio 60, and Friday Night Lights are all in trouble in terms of being cancelled due to disappointing ratings. Hopefully NBC will keep them all around, but this just goes back to my point about there being something seriously wrong with the way Networks are running things these days. Maybe it's just another reminder that I'm woefully out of touch with the rest of America.

-I watched last nights Louisville vs. West Virginia match-up, and while the offense were somewhat impressive I can't imagine either of these teams being able to hang with Ohio State or Michigan. neither team had any defensive presence whatsoever. I doubt that Louisville, if they remain undefeated, will have any chance in whatever bowl game they play.

-Can't wait to see Borat, let's hope it delivers, the trailers make it look like the funniest movie of the last couple years, I'm sure I'll have some thoughts up on this one soon.

-Just wanted to go on record as saying that the Celtics are not worth watching this season, don;t believe all the hype that's been going around on Rajon Rondo, he's a great athlete but he's not ready to be a starting point guard let alone an elite player at this point. Her's hoping they trade a few of their young players while the value is high, ryan gomes looks like a perfect candidate for a pump and dump this season. He has a low ceiling and may already be as good as he'll ever be.

That's all I got for now, and Rahida Jones, if you're out there, I'm free this weekend, call me.

-Bender Out

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