Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole

Just had to weigh in with my thoughts on Anna Nicole Smith. The whole thing just makes me so sad, I was pretty sure it would end like this, but that just makes it all the more tragic. To me this is a different kind of tragedy, it's not tragic in the sense that Anna Nicole would've made the world a better place, or she would've contributed a lot of happiness to her many fans. It's tragic because of the way that fame just swallowed her up and spit her out. She always struck me as a sweet but simple woman, she didn't know how to protect herself from the insanity of fame. She needed people to protect her, but there were too many people coming to her with their own agendas and their bad intentions who wanted to get a piece of her. It was probably a very painful ride for her, she couldn;t fully understand what was happening at all times, and there was no one who could help her out because there were too many people who could make a profit off of her in exchange for sitting back and watching the train wreck. It's fitting that she died in the same week where Britney and Paris were on the cover of Newsweek, they're all part of the same phenomenon, and society applauds them and praises them and enables them for all the wrong reasons. I just wish that someone had been able to help Anna Nicole before it ended like this, she could have just disappeared, gone back and lived a simple life, because even though it's a great song lyric, it isn't true, it's not better to burn out than to fade away.

A couple other things I wanted to comment on, first off, Lebron's comments about John Amaechi. Lebron essentially said that if a gay teammate didn't come out to the team, he couldn;t be trusted. A lot of people were making a big deal out of this, and while it does show a lack of understanding of the situation, I think we should ease up on Lebron. He didn't come out and condemn the homosexual lifestyle and we have to remember he's only 22 years old. Just because Lebron was blessed with tremendous athletic gifts doesn;t mean we should expect him to be worldly or brilliant. I find a lot of other people to be a lot more offensive in this regard, most importantly all the idiots who said (and I'm paraphrasing) "So long as he doesn;t try anything with me, we're cool." For some reason this sounds so ridiculous to me, as if any gay man would really want to sleep with a homophobe. The biggest disappointment in this whole thing was Jerry Sloan who apparantly used gay slurs to describe Amaechi, Sloan is a good coach, but I'll never be a fan from this day forward. Similar to the way that I'm willing to forgive Lebron due to his youth, I'm going to hold Sloan to a higher standard because he's older and is in the position of coach.

One last thing, wanted to admit my announcement of the BC Eagles demise this basketball was season was a bit premature. Still love my Eagles and I hope they can hold onto the spot in the NCAA tournament that they seemingly have all but wrapped up.

Anyway, thats all for now.

-Bender Out

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