Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lotsa Opining

Just a lot of things I wanted to put my two cents in on.

First off, the Grammys, the worst of the three major awards shows these days. The Grammys should be the best of what I call the three majors (along with the Emmys and the Oscars.) It lends itself to being a great show, it's all about music, there should be great acts one after the other, with a few awards handed out, but they blow it every year. The Dixie Chicks managed to win more awards than they sold copies of their album, they don't even really have an udience outside of the self-important famous bush-haters out there. I know for a fact that a lot of bands hate Bush, but they actually make better music to boot. As for the performances, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the bigger they try to make these things, the more they fail, maybe next year they can just get more great bands performing great songs, like The Red Hot Chili Peppers doing Snow. I liked the idea of the Police re-uniting but it didn;t quite capture my imagination, if you want to make a huge splash try to get ABBA back together next year and have them sing a medley of Fernando, Waterloo and whatever else they like. As far as the great JT goes, he kicks ass, but next time he should just do a great version of one of his songs and not try to give the greatest performance ever. The bottom line is that I feel like I'm a bit too old to enjoy music like I used to, and somehow I feel like the people behind the Grammys are way too old for me. Also it seems like they're trying to please everyone with these performances, and a lot of times when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one.

While I'm on the subject of JT, is that new song What Goes Around another shot at Britney? I fully appreciate it if it is, I'm a very spiteful guy myself, definitely a holder of grudges and in a similar position I'd be laughing at Brit too. I feel like it's gotten to the point where I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I enjoy his music, is this what it was like for Michael back in the 80s? Maybe JT's next album will be like the new Thriller (doubtful, but it would be sweet.)

Loosely tied into JT is the fact that Saturday Night Live has been putting their best skits this season on Youtube. A stroke of genius if you ask me, now there is a lot more talk about how funny SNL has been lately. A year ago when "Lazy Sunday" came out, there was a lot of talk but nothing close to the talk about "Dick in a Box" and I have to point to the fact that it was a lot more readily available online. I also like how SNL has embraced the previously recorded shorts, which were actually a staple in the early years, the previously recorded skits have been the funniest recently.

I know I had wondered if I'd be able to get right back into Lost when it started up again, the answer is definitely "yes." Only two episodes into the second half of the season and I'm already dying for more. Not to ruin it for anyone who hasn;t watched but they've basically hinted that two more characters will be written off in the near future. And while it's disappointing that they might get rid of more characters, it adds a lot to their stories in the process.

I've been a big fan of Elizabeth Mitchell since she joined the Lost cast and in my research about her online I've found that she was actually involved in a lesbian love scene with Angelina Jolie. Apparently in the unrated version of GIA, they have a good time together, I refused to check it out because I'me very anti-Angelina and I'm a man of principle. In other Lesbian movie scene news there is apparently a kiss between Bridget Moynihan and Heather Graham out there as well. For the record, it may seem that I frequent some sort of website that would keep track of such lesbian scenes, and I want to state unequivocally, that yes, I do frequent such websites.

One last entertainment story I wanted to to comment on, I read that Ben Stiller and Tom Cruise will be starring in a movie together called Hardy Men. It's based on a grown-up version of the Hardy Boys, the old crime solvers who everyone loved, aside from Encyclopedia Brown of course. I like to make fun of Tom Cruise as much as anyone, but if they can recapture any of the magice from the old Tom Crooz skit that aired during the MTV movie awards a few years back, this movie will be a riot. And who knows, if it really is that great, maybe I'll start forgiving Tom for infecting Katie Holmes with crazy.

Just had to comment on the Marty Schottenheimer situation out in San Diego. AJ Smith has just made a huge mistake. Of all sports, Football is the one where coaching is most important, and if the Chargers really think that their team won;t miss a beat with all new coaches they're in for a rude awakening. I don't think it's a coincidence that Schottenheimer has had dominant defenses headlined by outside linebackers. This is not to say that Shawn Merriman was completely a creation of Schottenheimer, but he won;t be quite as dominant next year. For all the crap that Schottenheimer has taken recently, he was still one of the top five coaches in the current NFL, and they certtainly aren;t going to find someone as good as him out there right now after everyone has already taken other jobs.

Thats all for tonight, I'll be back soon to give you my favorites on American dol soon.

-Bender Out

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